VGP's Virtual What's Your EQ? Developing Your Emotional Intelligence

Leading with Emotional Intelligence

Registration includes 10 hours of RACE-accredited CE. This program is designed to help you understand how you can lead your team by using emotional intelligence and communication skills.

Wednesday, June12th - Thursday, June 13th

Our Speakers

Shawn McVey
Julia Behr
Rachel Teichberg


This program is designed...

This program is designed to help you understand how you best contribute to your practice using emotional intelligence as the language to assess your leadership strengths and challenges. Lead with greater impact and apply emotional intelligence to manage and drive peak performance in your direct reports and team. Recent studies indicate that emotional intelligence is a powerful tool and key to effective leadership. This valuable program delivers the in-depth knowledge and practical emotional intelligence skills you need to ensure that you are a strong, emotionally intelligent leader. These skills allow you to transform your primary challenges at work.

Workshop DETAILS

We invite you to be a part of this special experience where you’ll explore your personal leadership style in a safe and educational environment. After attending this program, you will have increased your value to the practice as a leader and improved your connections to team members who look to you for direction.

The curriculum is filled with opportunities to learn about emotional intelligence skills and how they apply to your practice. The class is highly interactive; including small-group exercises, time for reflection, and skill building.

Emotional intelligence is a critical skill for every member of your team, not just leadership! These skills will help your team communicate more effectively, minimize conflict, reduce stress, connect more deeply with your clients, and improve overall job satisfaction.

Shawn uses his combined professional experience in business management and psychotherapy to help you take an honest look at your practice and uncover blind spots in your emotional intelligence skills. You will share your practice’s greatest challenge and uncover the barriers that keep you from performing your best as a leader and overcoming that challenge.

Together, we’ll unpack the 18 competencies of emotionally intelligent leaders and team members, determine which competencies are your greatest strengths, and further develop these areas throughout the program with interactive and reflective exercises that give you plenty of opportunities to practice your new skills.

This unique virtual event is unlike any other CE and is well-suited for all members of the team.

Virtual Workshop Agenda
A 1-hour lunch break is scheduled on each day

Wednesday, June 12th
10:00 am to 4:00 pm CT

Thursday, June 13th
10:00 am to 4:00 pm CT

  • Exploration of the business case for emotional intelligence
  • Exploring and developing competencies in self-awareness
  • Exploring and developing competencies in self-management
  • Identifying your personal self-awareness and self-management barriers that contribute to practice challenges
  • Strengthening your personal self-awareness and self-management skills to transform your leadership style
  • Exploring and developing competencies in social awareness
  • Exploring and developing competencies in relationship management
  • Identifying your personal social awareness and relationship management barriers that contribute to practice challenges
  • Strengthening your personal social awareness and relationship management skills to transform your leadership style
  • Using emotional intelligence to overcome your leadership challenges
  • Develop a personal development plan


This is an exclusive event for Veterinary Growth Partners members. Registration is entirely complimentary for VGP Elite members—a value of $2,495 per attendee! You can register up to 16 staff members. If you have questions before registration, please feel free to email us at

We have a limited number of seats available, so be sure to register early.